Passive Fire Protection
Passive fire protection (PFP) is an integral component of the components of structural fire protection and fire safety in a building. PFP attempts to contain fires or slow the spread, such as by fire-resistant walls, floors, and doors. PFP systems must comply with the associated listing and approval use and compliance in order to provide the effectiveness expected by building codes.
Fire Door
- Open Style: Swing
- Door Type: Double Door
- Finish: Color Coated
- Material: Hard wood/Teak wood
- Opeartion: Press And Pull
- Color: Red
- Side: Two Side
- Intumescent Fire Seal Strip Size: 15mm x 4mm
- Wood Section Size: 150mm x 95mm
Fire Retardant Paint
- Water based white intumescent, fire retardant coating for structural steel, beams & columns.
- Ideal for all steels, metal beams, columns, hollow sections, cellular beams.
- Easy to apply.